Sunday, July 27, 2008

Casa D' Ice

Bill Balsamico has become a public figure (and presidential candidate) because of his lack of political correctness and his restaurant's Famous Sign. Bill speaks out frequently about current events that lack any common sense and upset him. Many of his statements, while strong, represent the thoughts of many Americans tired of giving away everything (including those paid for by American's lives) trying to relieve our collective "White Guilt" (see Shelby Steele's book).

Friday, July 25, 2008

Chuck Speaks

Chuck Norris speaking out about cleaning up our language, taking us back to our founding philosophy, and move beyond old slanderous discussions.

Case in point is George Carlin's classic early 1970's monologue of the "Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television," which seems tame by what is frequently overheard in today's society.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Value of Responsibility

Daniel Flanagan is an American hero not because he is a celebrity, athlete, politician, or business mogul. He was a average high school dropout and as he termed it "looser." That is until in his early twenties, he became a father, looked himself in the mirror and decided to improve his life for his son's sake. Daniel was courageous enough to examine his life and pull himself up by his "boot straps." It would have been easy in today's society to shirk his responsibility but Daniel recognized his families needs and did hard things along the less traveled path. Read or listen to Daniel's essay about his transformation in NPR's This I Believe segment "The Choice To Do It Over Again"

Monday, July 7, 2008

Amendment - Section 3


Each House Representative shall be elected by a majority of the eligible citizens casting votes within their Congressional District. Each Congressional District boundaries shall follow state, county, city, or postal boundaries, be near rectangular in shape, as square in shape as possible, and consist of a near equal proportion of adult citizens as determined by each Census.

Congressional Districts based upon established boundaries and geographically neutral establishes a consistent method for determining a representative government instead of one that continues to represent those that construct the boundaries to maintain their seats and power.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Amendment - Section 2


There shall be one common language for the United States of America. It shall be the only language used by citizens in official business and communications with all federal, state, and local governments located within the several States and District of Columbia.

The common language shall be selected by the members of both the Senate and House of Representatives on the first day of business of the second calendar year following passage of this amendment. In the event of a tie, the deciding vote shall be cast by the President of the Senate.

Each subsequent 50 years Congress shall determine if the common language should change. A two-thirds majority is needed to change the common language. If the language changes, the change shall start within five years and be completed within twenty years.

Federal, state, or local government funds shall not be utilized to communicate to the citizens in any language other than the common one.

"...we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor." Declaration of Independence What more can be said? It's for the common good. See U.S. English for 25 years of efforts to achieve one language by the group founded by the late, former California Senator S.I. Hayakawa.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Amendment - Section 1


No Bill shall become Law that consists of more than 5,000 words.

For years there has been a desire to provide the President with a "line item veto;" however, that is not needed if each bill is limited in its size to accommodate one or a few concepts. Bills that are limited will assist congressmen in becoming statesmen again where their concern are for both their constituents as well as the country as a whole.

The preamble and all seven Articles of The Constitution of the United States has less than 3,700 words. It is inexcusable that any law is longer and more complicated than our country's founding document. The Declaration of Independence has under 1,400 words.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Breaking Ground

Jackie Robinson may be best known for his ground braking efforts on the baseball field but it is not his athletic skills that makes him an American Hero. He is a hero because of his approach to life's difficulties and his ability to leverage his successes to help others.

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