Friday, February 9, 2007

The common good

The Declaration of Independence ends with these powerful words “…we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.” I only wish I as a Citizen could come close to living up to the example set by the founding fathers. These fourteen words bring up many thought to me about how we have lost sight of the path laid down for us.

It is not possible to “mutually pledge” if we are not speaking the same language. The time has come for the USA to establish a single language for the citizens that enable us to talk together as one. The language of citizenship and those rights protected by or privileges provided by the governed shall be one. Who among you would be willing to “pledge…our Fortunes” to someone that you can not communicate with?

Our kin and loved brothers to the north, Canada, struggle with this problem of two languages still today. Look at problems within countries around the world, how many could be diminished if there was one common language among their people?

Our founding documents are written in English; therefore, it seems to make sense that English should be the language of the Citizens of the United States of America. If the majority were to select another language (e.g., Spanish, Japanese, Korean, etc.), that would be acceptable because I, as I am sure many others, want to be a Citizens and; therefore, would learn the language quickly (far from my given talent). The same must be true for others wishing to become members of this great country.

The time has come to quit pandering to those that will not immerse themselves into this land, yet expect to become functioning citizens. As soon as possible, all governmental documents, correspondence, writings, speaking, etc. (e.g., ballots) intended for the primary use of US Citizens, or those wishing to reside here legally, shall only be provided in the common language. Also, no government within these United States shall be, or force others to be, compelled to communicate in any language other than the common language.

Obviously, since all people are “…endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights” all Citizens, residents, visitors, etc. shall be able to use any language they wish among themselves (including commerce) without restriction.

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